We Talk about the volcano Novarupta in this episode. Novarupta was the largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century and is located along the Aleutian Islands in Alaska.
#171 - Rising Sea Level and Atolls
We talk about a New York Times article which discusses how rising sea level will affect atolls, specifically the island nation of the Maldives.
#170 - The Sur Pockmark Field
The Sur Pockmark field is located off the coast of central California near Big Sur. The seafloor is riddled with mysterious circular depressions. A new study may have figured out how they formed.
#169 - The Grand Canyon
In this installment of the Flannelcast, we’re talking about Jesse’s summer vacation plans to the Grand Canyon. We’re getting Jesse ready for this trip by going through the geologic history of the Grand Canyon.
#168 - Debating the Start of the Anthropocene
The Anthropocene is a proposed geological epoch marked by the significant impact of human activities on the Earth's geology and ecosystems. In this installment of the Geology Flannelcast, we talk about the conversation that is being has about when to officially start the Anthropocene.